Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Septmember 3, 2013

Hello there!
We just got two new sister missionaries serving in our ward so that we can make a branch for the Spanish people here. THAT MAKES 6 SPANISH SPEAKING SISTERS IN THIS WARD! Wow. Unreal. There are also two English elders. If this ward doesn't get some people, that is just ridiculous. I just finished my first transfer, and am still here in Auburn with Hermana Huchendorf. We are thinking about putting together a cultural activity for the ward here and bringing some investigators. It is really interested here because the ward is a little divided because of the language barrier between the Spanish and English people. We have been bringing more members to the lessons, which is pretty interesting as we try to translate for them. It is all good :) We had to drop Edwin, but we just know he is going to be a stake president in El Salvador, so we are hoping he starts wanting the Gospel soon. I never before realized how important it is to read the Book of Mormon. We talk to all these people, and all these people who say that they don't believe in the Restoration and all that. We ask them if they read the Book of Mormon and they never did. Sad day. If they would just read! Veronica has a baptismal date for this weekend. We are hoping that it comes through. Her husband came to church on Sunday (first time ever) and then they prayed together last night to help them through the hard time that she is going through right now. Lilia is just a dream. She is the one that called us. We set up a church tour with her last week. It was the most sacred experience I have had here. We took her around the church and showed her the baptismal fount, Relief Society room, classroom for Sunday school (where we watched a short video about The Sacrament) and then the chapel. We went to the front of the chapel, where we had set up a picture of Jesus and the sacrament trays, and just looked at the Sacrament table. The Spirit was very strong there and we sang a song and she prayed. She started praying and had to stop because she was crying. She said she couldn't pray, but the member we brought (Diana) encouraged her. She did. We talked about how she wants to come to church and can't because of her job. Diana really helped her by encouraging her and I read her 1 Nephi 3:7. Her desire was so strong and we just left praying really hard that the Lord would help her find a way. It was so neat to talk to someone who does want this and is willing to follow Christ. I have met a lot of people here with great faith. I look up to them. Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World.
Hermana Clark

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