Saturday, August 3, 2013

July 16, 2013

This week at the MTC I had the opportunity to switch companions for a half hour and practice teaching the commandments. We taught about the law of chastity, tithing, the word of wisdom and keeping the Sabbath Day holy. It was pretty fun! We did it all in Spanish (of course). There were some interesting moments when we didn't know the vocabulary.... It was neat to get to share some of the experiences I have had with those different laws. I never realized how blessed I am to have so many experiences. I didn't realize that I have had some experiences that some other missionaries have never really had that make the laws real for me. The Lord also took care of me this week when I was having a hard day. One of the other hermanas in the district noticed I was having a hard time (one a P-Day, don't worry! I am not wasting the Lord's time having bad days!). She took about an hour and just talked to me and asked how I was doing. I felt really blessed because that was exactly what I needed to feel better. Now that I am trying to spend so much time learning Spanish, I am noticing an increasingly difficult obstacle trying to communicate in English. Imagine that! I will get to the field and be unable to speak in Spanish or English. In my scriptures I have been trying to really study and notice times where different topics are talked about. I never realized before how much emphasis is put on baptism in the Book of Mormon. There is also much about the Atonement (naturally) that I never really noticed. I love reading my scriptures. I met this nice elder who was born in Mexico and he talked Spanish at me. It really was at me, because I think I only understood about 1/3 of what he said. I am thinking I better start praying for the gift of tongues a little harder if I plan on helping people! Truly the Lord already blesses me a lot to know as much Spanish as I do after so short a time. I also had the opportunity this week to help one of the hermans feel better by talking to her. I love feeling like I am helping someone and look forward to the opportunity to help more people in Washington. I can't even imagine what it is going to be like there, but I am about to find out next Tuesday! Time is flying.
Love, Hermana Clark

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