Wednesday, October 23, 2013

September 16, 2013

This has been a great week! We had exchanges, and I got to be with one of the girls I really really like. :) Heavenly Father must have planned it just for me. We had some great lessons! Veronica has not been baptized yet, but we think this upcoming week! Also, this last week two more people set a baptismal date. All I can say it, the weekend of General Conference is going to be really busy! Wow! Both baptisms are scheduled for that weekend! I have been learning some neat things about The Book of Mormon. I have been noticing that even as I missionary I sometimes shy away from talking about it because people don't always want to accept it. I should be using this to my advantage! If people won't read The Book of Mormon, then they can't get a testimony of The Restoration through Joseph Smith or the divinity of the Book of Mormon! It is embarrassing that it took this long to realize.... We had a fun experience on Saturday. We went to a Marriage/Baptism. We got there and no one was playing the piano, so I hopped on and played some songs. It was so fun! I don't know what arrangements were coming out, but let me tell you - it was just flowing out. Blessings for the family :) The two people who got married have really changed their lives around. One was on drugs, the other was in jail, and now one is baptized and the other soon to follow! The more I am here, the more I realize how important agency is. We can talk to everybody on the planet, but if they don't want to change, then what we tell them isn't going to make a difference. But let me tell you this: when they do want to change, miracles happen! Lilia had the opportunity to switch her job so that she can come to work and she always expresses how much peace she feels in the Gospel.

We are really working to get the branch together. Yesterday, there were 10 women in Relief Society, and about the same in the Gospel Principle class. Little by little we are finding Spanish people to fill the branch. It is truly a miracle to see so many people fall into our laps. Really that is how we feel. The people who are ready - we don't do anything. They just fall into our laps and read The Book of Mormon. The thing we are really working on now is getting them to stay in the church after they are baptized. A lot of them come from homes where they are not supported, so they don't have any friends. Members are so important! Without a support group, a lot of these recent converts stop coming because they feel lonely and they plain don't know enough to be planted so firm as to not let their roots get pulled out. Here it come - the commitment: Will you go introduce yourself to every person you don't know this coming Sunday?
Love you all,
Hermana Clark

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